.นพ. ยง  ภู่วรวรรณ
Prof.Yong  Poovorawan)

  • ตำแหน่ง ศาสตราจารย์ คุณวุฒิ พ.บ., วว.
  • สาขาวิชา กุมารเวชศาสตร์
  • ที่ทำงาน ศูนย์เชี่ยวชาญเฉพาะทางด้านไวรัสวิทยาคลินิก ภาคกุมารเวชศาสตร์          คณะแพทยศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย พระราม 4
  • ที่บ้าน 747/4 ประชาราษฏ์ 21/1 บางซื่อ ถนน นนทบุรี กรุงเทพมหานคร 10800
  • E-mail:  Yong.P@chula.ac.th        





        - Faculty of Medicine. Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, Thailand. MD. 1794.

        - Chulalongkorn Hospital & University. Thai board of Pediatrics, 1978.

        - Research fellow, King's College Hosp. Med. School, London, UK 1984.


        Position and Experience

        - Lecturer, Departmet of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1979-1981.

        - Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1981-1984.       

        - Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand,1984-1990.    

        - Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1991. 

  - Head of Molecular Biology Research, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand 1996-present   

  - Head of Center of Excellence,  Viral Hepatitis Research Unit,  Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,

    Thailand 1992-present    

         Award and Honour

- Research award 1990 :- Radchadapisek-Sompoj award, Chulalongkorn        University.

- Research award 1992 :- Radchadapisek-Sompoj award, Chulalongkorn        University.

- The award for the best research work 1994 :- National Research   Council  of  Thailand (NRCT).

- Outstanding Scientist Award 1997:- Foundation for the Promotion of  Science and Technology under the Patronage of His Majesty the King

- Outstanding Researcher Award 1997 :- National Research Council of  Thailand. (NRCT)

- Senior Research Schola 1997-2000 :- Thailand Research Fund.

- Senior Research Schola 2001-2004 :  Thailand Research Fund.

- Mahidol University-B-Braun Prize 2003 Winner. Mahidol University.

- TRF Research Citation Award 2003 Thailand Research Fund.

- Top ten research Award 2004, “Avian Influenza in Thailand” Thailand Research Fund 

- Outstanding National Teacher Award 2004. Thailand National  University Teacher Association

- The award of the best rearch work 2006. “Avian Influenza in Thailand” National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)

- The Pediatric award for the pediatrician “Emiritus Prof. Prasong Tuchinda” Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University, 2006


            Author and co-author on more than 450 publications in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology and virology in national and international levels


     Membership in Medical Societies

            Member, Thai Medical Association of Thailand

            Member, The Royal College of Pediatricians of Thailand

            Member, Gastroenterology Society of Thailand

            Member, Thai Soc. Association of Virology


            Editorial Board

1.      Editorial board                 J Pediatric (2003……)

2.      Editorial board                 ScienceAsia (2000……)

3.      Editorial board                 J Med. Assoc. Thai (1995……)

4.      Editorial board                 Vaccine Children & practice (1998-2004)

5.      Editorial board                 Chula Med. J (1990………)

6.      Editorial board                 J Thai Pediatric (1995………)

7.      Editorial  board                J Thai Pediatrics (1990-1994)

8.      Editorial board                 Current Paediatric Reviews (2005....)



        พ.ศ. 2532                  รางวัลผลงานวิจัยดีเด่น เรื่อง ไวรัสตับอักเสบและการป้องกันจากจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย

        พ.ศ. 2534                  รางวัลผลงานวิจัยดีเด่น เรื่อง การดูแลทารกที่คลอดจากมารดาที่เป็นพาหะไวรัสตับอักเสบ บี

                                        ผลการศึกษาระยะยาว 5 ปี จากจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย

        พ.ศ. 2536                  รางวัลผลงานวิจัยดีเยี่ยม เรื่อง ปัญหาและการป้องกันไวรัสตับอักเสบในประเทศไทย


        พ.ศ. 2540                  รางวัลนักวิทยาศาสตร์ดีเด่น จากมูลนิธิส่งเสริมวิทยาศาสตร์ และ เทคโนโลยี ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์

        พ.ศ. 2540                  รางวัลนักวิจัยดีเด่นแห่งชาติ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแห่งชาติ

        พ.ศ. 2540 - 2543        เมธีวิจัยอาวุโส สกว. สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการวิจัย

        พ.ศ. 2544 - ปัจจุบัน      เมธีวิจัยอาวุโส สกว. สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการวิจัย

        พ.ศ. 2546                   รางวัลมหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล-บี บราวน์ เพื่อการแพทย์และสาธารณสุขไทย

        พ.ศ. 2546                   รางวัลผลงานการอ้างอิงสูงสุด สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการวิจัย

        พ.ศ. 2547                   รางวัลผลงานวิจัยเด่น สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการวิจัย

        พ.ศ. 2547                   รางวัลอาจารย์ดีเด่นแห่งชาติ สาขาวิทยาศาสตร์สุขภาพ สภาอาจารย์มหาวิทยาลัยแห่งประเทศไทย (ปอมท.)

        พ.ศ. 2549                   รางวัลผลงานวิจัยดีเยี่ยม เรื่อง ไข้หวัดนกในประเทศ จากสำนักงานคณะกรรมการวิจัยแห่งชาติ

        พ.ศ. 2550                   รางวัลปาฐกถาประสงค์ ตู้จินดา จากภาควิชากุมารเวชศาสตร์

                                          คณะแพทยศาสตร์ ศิริราชพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล                                      

        พ.ศ. 2550                   รางวัลแพทย์จุฬาฯ ดีเด่นสาขานักวิจัยด้านวิทยาศาสตร์สุขภาพประจำปี 2550 ศิษย์เก่า

      ดีเด่นครบรอบ 60 ปี แพทย์จุฬาฯ


ผลงานวิจัยในวารสารระดับนานาชาติมากกว่า  220 เรื่อง 


        Publications in 2004

  1. Viseshakul N, Thanawongnuwech R, Amonsin A, Suradhat S, Oraveerakul K, Wongyanin P, Keawchareon J, Plitkul S, Theamboonlers A, Payungporn S, Poovorawan Y. The Genome Sequence Analysis of H5N1 Avian Influenza A Virus Isolated from the Outbreak Among Poultry Populations in Thailand. Virology.2004. 328:169-176.

  2. Keawcharoen J, Oraveerakul K, Kuiken T, Fouchier RA, Amonsin A, Payungporn S, Noppornpanth S, Wattanodorn S, Theambooniers A, Tantilertcharoen R, Pattanarangsan R, Arya N, Ratanakorn P, Osterhaus DM, Poovorawan Y. Avian influenza H5N1 in tigers and leopards. Emerg Infect Dis. 2004. 10:2189-2191.

  3. Payungporn S, Phakdeewirot P, Chutinimitkul S, Theamboonlers A, Keawcharoen J, Oraveerakul K, Amonsin A, Poovorawan Y. Single-step multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for influenza A virus subtype H5N1 detection. Viral Immunol. 2004. 17:588-593.

        Publications in 2005

  1. Keawcharoen J, Amonsin A, Oraveerakul K, Wattanodorn S, Papravasit T, Karnda S, Lekakul K, Pattanarangsan R, Noppornpanth S, Fouchier RA, Osterhaus AD, Payungporn S, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. Characterization of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of recent influenza virus isolates from different avian species in Thailand. Acta Virol. 2005. 49:277-280.

  2. Thanawongnuwech R, Amonsin A, Tantilertcharoen R, Damrongwatanapokin S, Theamboonlers A, Payungporn S, Nanthapornphiphat K, Ratanamungklanon S, Tunak E, Songserm T, Vivatthanavanich V, Lekdumrongsak T, Kesdangsakonwut S, Tunhikorn S, Poovorawan Y. Probable tiger-to-tiger transmission of avian influenza H5N1. Emerg Infect Dis. 2005. 11: 699-701.

  3. Keinduangjun J, Piamsa-nga P, Poovorawan Y. Intelligent data recognition of DNA sequences using statistical models. In: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3776.  Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 630-635

  4. Keinduangjun J, Piamsa-nga P, Poovorawan Y. DNA Sequence identification by statistics-based models. In: Wang, L., Jin, Y. (eds.): Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3614. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 1041-1050

  5. Keinduangjun J, Piamsa-nga P, Poovorawan Y. Signature recognition methods for identifying Influenza sequences. In: Miksch, S., et al. (eds.): Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3581. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 504-513

  6. Keinduangjun J, Piamsa-nga P, Poovorawan Y. Models for discovering signatures in DNA sequences. Proceedings of the 3rd IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Innsbruck, Austria, February 16-18, 2005, pp. 548-553

Publications in 2006

  1. Amonsin A, Payungporn S, Theamboonlers A, Thanawongnuwech R, Suradhat S, Pariyothorn N, Tantilertcharoen R, Damrongwantanapokin S, Buranathai C, Chaisingh A, Songserm T, Poovorawan Y. Genetic characterization of H5N1 influenza A viruses isolated from zoo tigers in Thailand. Virology. 2006. 344:480-491.

  2. Payungporn S, Chutinimitkul S, Chaisingh A, Damrongwantanapokin S, Buranathai C, Amonsin A, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. Single step multiplex real-time RT-PCR for H5N1 influenza A virus detection. J Virol Methods. 2006. 131:143-147.

  3. Payungporn S, Chutinimitkul S, Chaisingh A, Damrongwantanapokin S, Nuansrichay B, Pinyochon W, Amonsin A, Donis RO, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y.  Discrimination between highly pathogenic and low pathogenic H5 avian influenza A viruses. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006. 12:700-701.

  4. Songsermn T, Amonsin A, Jam-on R, Sae-Heng N, Meemak N, Pariyothorn N, Payungporn S, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y.  Avian influenza H5N1 in naturally infected domestic cat. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006. 12: 681-683.

  5. Chutinimitkul S, Bhattarakosol P, Srisuratanon S, Eiamudomkan A, Kongsomboon K, Damrongwatanapokin S, Chaisingh A, Suwannakarn K, Chieochansin T, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. H5N1 Influenza A Virus and Infected Human Plasma. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006. 12:1041-1043

  6. Chutinimitkul S, Sa-nguanmoo P, Poovorawan Y. The Second Phase After H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus Infection: The Three-Wave Spread in Thailand. A Rising Pandemic in Asia and Beyond? World Scientific Publishing Paul A Tambyah and Ping-Chung Leung, 2006. 35-52.

  7. Amonsin A, Chutinimitkul S, Pariyothorn N, Songserm T, Damrongwatanapokin S, Chaisingh A, Meemak N, Sirivan P, Puranaveja S, Jam-on R, Sae-Heng N, Payungporn S, Theamboonlers A, Tantilertcharoen R, Suradhat S, Thanawongnuwech R, Poovorawan Y. Genetic characterization of Influenza A viruses (H5N1) isolated from 3rd wave of Thailand AI outbreaks. Virus Research 2006. 122:194-199.

  8. Chutinimitkul S, Payungporn S, Chieochansin T, Suwannakarn K, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. The spread of avian influenza H5N1 virus; a pandemic threat to mankind. J Med Assoc Thai. 2006. 89:S218-S233.

  9. Songserm T, Amonsin A, Jam-on R, Sae-Heng N, Pariyothorn N, Payungporn S, Theamboonlers A, Chutinimitkul S, Thanawongnuwech R, Poovorawan Y. Fatal Avian Influenza A H5N1 in a Dog. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006. 12:1744-1747.

  10. Suwannakarn K, Chutinimitkul S, Payungporn S, Chieochansin T, Theamboonlers A, Amonsin A, Damrongwatanapokin S, Le QM, Nguyen HH, Poovorawan Y. Assay to detect H5N1 Oseltamivir Resistance. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006. 12:1995-1996.

         Publications in 2007

  1. Chutinimitkul S, Suwannakarn K, Chieochansin T, Le QM, Damrongwatanapokin S, Chaisingh A, Amonsin A, Landt O, Songserm T, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. H5N1 Oseltamivir-resistance detection by Real-time PCR using two high sensitivity labeled TaqMan probes. J Virol Methods. 2007. 139:44-49.

  2. Chutinimitkul, S., Songserm, T., Amonsin, A., Payungporn, S., Suwannakarn, K., Damrongwatanapokin, S., Chaisingh, A., Nuansrichay, B., Chieochansin, T., Theamboonlers, A., Poovorawan, Y. New strain of H5N1 influenza virus in Thailand. Emerg Infect Dis. 2007. 13:506-507.

  3. Thontiravong, A., Payungporn, S., Keawcharoen, J., Chutinimitkul, S., Wattanodorn, S., Damrongwatanapokin, S., Chaisingh, A., Theamboonlers, A., Poovorawan, Y., Oraveerakul, K. The single-step multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay for detecting H5 and H7 avian influenza A viruses. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2007. 211(1) ; 75-79.

  4. Amonsin A, Songserm T, Chutinimitkul S, Jam-on R, Sae-Heng N, Pariyothorn N, Payungporn S, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. Genetic characterization of Influenza A virus (H5N1) derived from naturally infected domestic cat and dog. 2007. Arch Virol. (Submitted)

  5. Buranathai C, Amonsin A, Chaisigh A, Theamboonlers A, Pariyothorn N, Poovorawan Y.  Avian Influenza Surveillance and Monitoring of Genetic Variations in Thailand, 2004-2005. Avian Dis 2007 (In press)

  6. Keinduangjun, J., Piamsa-nga, P., Poovorawan, Y.: Discovery of DNA Signatures by Statistics-Based Metrics. BMC Bioinformatics. (Submitted)

  7. Buranathai C, Chaisingh A, Nuansrichay B, Damrongwattanapokin S, Limlamthong Y, Amonsin A, Payungporn S, Chutinimitkul S, Keawcharoen J, Theamboonlers A, Phakdeewirot P, Oraveerakul K, Viseshakul N, Thanawongnuwech R, Suradhat S, Poovorawan Y. Molecular Characteristic of H5N1 Avian Influenza A virus in Thailand, 2004. Proceeding France 2007 (Submitted)

International levels

1.                 Poovorawan Y, Sanpavat S, Pongpunlert W, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Sentrakul P, Safary A. Protective efficacy of a recombinant DNA hepatitis B vaccine in neonates of HBe antigen positive mothers. JAMA 1989; 261:3278-3281.

2.                 Poovorawan Y, Sanpavat S, Pongpunlert W, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Sentrakul P, Chitinand S, Sakulramrung R, Tannirandorn Y.Comparison of recombinant DNA hepatitis B vaccine alone or in combination with hepatitis B immune globulin for the prevention of perinatal acquisition of hepatitis B carriage. Vaccine 1990; 8:s55-s59.

3.                 Poovorawan Y, Pongpunlert W, Sanpavat S, Chumdermpadetsuk S. More Bang for the Buck in Bangkok: Using hepatitis B virus vaccine without hepatitis B immune globulin. Gastroenterology 1989;97:1588-1589

4.                 Poovorawan Y, Pongpunlert W, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Chitinand S, Sakulramrung R, Tannirandorn Y, Sentrakul P. Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a yeast derived hepatitis B vaccine in neonates. In coursaget P, Tong MJ. Progress in hepatitis B immunization. Colloque INSERM/JOHN LIBBEY Eurotext Ltd. Paris 1990 pp.371-377.

5.                 Poovorawan Y, Sanpavat S, Pongpunlert W, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Chitinand S, Sentrakul P, Sakulramrung R, Laohakunakorn P, and Safary A. Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a recombinant DNA hepatitis B vaccine, administered alone or together with hepatitis B immunoglobulin. In Critical Issues for the control of hepatitis B, Excerpta Medica Asia, Hongkong 1990;18-25.

6.                 Poovorawan Y, Sanpavat S, Pongpunlert W, Chitinand S, Sakulramrung R, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Sentrakul P, Tannirandorn Y, and Safary A. Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a yeast-derived hepatitis B vaccine in neonates of HBsAg positive/HBeAg positive mothers. In Viral Hepatitis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Excerpta Medica, Hongkong 1990 pp.400-402.

7.                 Poovorawan Y, Paiboonkasemsuthi S, Theamboonlers A, Kamolratanakul P, Chumdermpadetsuk S. Seroepidemiology of antibody to Hepatitis A in the Rural Eastern Part of Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1991; 22:35-38.

8.                 Poovorawan Y, Pongpunlert W, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Sakulramrung R, Israsena S. The Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Antibodies Among the Risk Groups in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1991; 22:133-134. 

9.                 Chainuvati T.  Poovorawan Y, Luengrojunakul P.  The prevalence of hepatitis C virus antibody in high risk group of children and adult Gastroent erologia Japonica 1991;26 Suppl 3;176-8.

10.             Tong M, Poovorawan Y, Coursaget P. Immunoprophylaxis of neonates against hepatitis B. Viral hepatitis and liver disease In:  Hollinger FB, Lemon SM, Margolis H eds, Williams & Wilkins Maryland USA. 1991:pp.849-855.

11.             Poovorawan Y, Sanpavat S, Pongpunlert W, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Sentrakul P. Long term efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine in infants born to HBeAg positive mothers. Proceeding of the 2nd Asia Pacific Congress of Medical Virology 1991.

12.             Poovorawan Y, Sanpavat S, Pongpunlert W et al. Long-term efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine in infants born to HBeAg positive mothers: Effect of vaccination with a yeast-derived vaccine according to different schedules with and without concomitant hepatitis B immunoglobulin. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1992; 11(10):816-821.

13.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Vuttinunt Y, Chumdermpadetsuk S. Rapid detection of hepatitis B surface antigen by red cell agglutination assay. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1992;  23: 805-806.

14.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Chumdermpadetsuk S. Changing seroepidemiology of hepatitis A virus infection in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1993;24: 250-254.

15.             Poovorawan Y, Pongpunlert W, Theamboonlers A, et al. Randomized single blind comparison of the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of 20 g and 10 g doses of hepatitis B vaccine in adolescents. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1993; 24: 255-259.

16.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Sanpavat S, Pongpunlert W, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Safary A, Vandepapeliere P. The immunogenicity and reactogenicity of combined tetravalent diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and hepatitis B vaccine in infants. Proceeding in Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease Tokyo 1993 pp. 526-529.

17.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Gluck R, Cryz SJ. Control of a hepatitis A outbreak by active immunization of high risk susceptibles. J Infect Dis 1994; 169: 228-9.

18.             Poovorawan Y, Yodvised S, Theamboonlers A, Prapanpot V, Chumdermpadetsuk S. Hepatitis A virus antibody in Mentally retarded children. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1994; 25:392-3.

19.             Sanpavat S, Poovorawan Y, Chittinand S, Bhongvej S, Thaithumyanon P. Immunogenicity of hepatitis B vaccine in  premature infants. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1994;25:93-95.

20.             Poovorawan Y. Importance and Feasibility of Preventing hepatitis A. Proceeding in Asian Congress in Paediatrics, India. 1994 pp. 337-341.

21.             Sinlaparatsamee S, Nuniem J, Kankao J, Theamboonlers A, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Poovorawan Y. An outbreak of hepatitis A in school children at Nakhon Sri Thammarat, Southern Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1995;26:104-108.

22.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Vimolkej L, Cryz SJ. Anti-hepatitis A antibody titres after passively immunization with hepatitis A hyperimmune globulin 1995; 26:193-194.

23.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Thong CP. Comparative results in detection of HCV antibodies by using a rapid HCV test, ELISA and Immunoblot. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1994;25:647-9.

24.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Chumdermpadetsuk S,  Gluck R, Cryz SJ. Safety, Immunogenicity and the Kinetics of the immune response to a single dose of virosome formulated hepatitis A vaccine in Thais.  Vaccine 1995;13(10):891-3.

25.             Theamboonlers A, Yatsuhashi H, Hamada R, Fujino T, Poovorawan Y, Yano M. Hepatitis C virus antibodies, viral RNA levels and genotypes in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1995;26:506-10.

26.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Thong CP.  Prevalence of hepatitis E virus infection in Thailand. Ann Trop Med  Parasitol 1996;90:189-196.

27.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A,  Safary A. Single dose hepatitis A vaccination: comparison of different doses in adolescents.  Vaccine 1996;14(12):1092-1094.

28.             Poovowawan Y. Prevention of hepatitis B virus infaction in Thailand. in Sarin SK, Singal AK eds. Hepatitis B in India: Problem and Prevention. CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi 1996. PP 187-195.

29.             Poovorawan Y, Sanpavat S, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Safary A. Long-term protective efficacy of a recombinant hepatitis B vaccine in neonates at risk with or without month 60 booster. In : Mario Rizzetto Robert H. Purcell John L. Gerin Giorgio Verme eds, Proceedings of IX Triennial International Symposium  on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease Rome, Italy, 21-25 April 1996. Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease 1997;pp:955-7. 

30.             Poovorawan  Y, Sanpavat S, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Safary A Longterm hepatitis B vaccine in infants born to hepatitis B e antigen. Arch Dis Child 1997;77(1):47-51.

31.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Sanpavat S, Chumdermpadetsuk S, Safary A, Vandepapeliere P. Long-term antibody persistence after booster vaccination with combined tetravalent diphtheria, tetanus, whole-cell B. pertussis and hepatitis B vaccine in healthy infants. Ann Trop Paediatr 1997;17:301-308

32.             Poovorawan Y, Chongsrisawat V, Tanunyuthawongse C, Mutirangura A, Chandrakamol B. Extrahepatic biliary atresia in twins: Zygosity determination by short tandem repeat loci. J Med Assoc Thai 1996;79:S119-S124.

33.             Poovorawan Yong, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Christian Herzog, Beatriz Finkel, Reinhard Gluck, Stanley J Cryz. Safety, Immunogenicity of virosome-formulated hepatitis A vaccine in Thai Children. (unpublised data)

34.             Kosuwon P, Sutra S, Kosalaraksa P,  Poovorawan Y. Seroepidemiology of hepatitis A virus antibody in primary school children in Khon Kaen province, northeastern Thailand.  Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1996;27(4):650-53.

35.             Poovorawan Y, Vimolkej T, Chongsrisawat A, Theamboonlers A and Chumdermpadetsuk S. The declining pattern of seroepidemiology of hepatitis A virus infection among adolescents in Bangkok, Thailand. .  Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1997(Mar);28(1):154-157.

36.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Vimolkej T, Chongsrisawat V. Prevalence of hepatitis A virus infection among primary school children in Bangkok, Thailand. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 1997; 91: 119-20.

37.             Poovorawan Y, Chongsrisawat V, Theamboonlers A, Vimolkej L, & Yano M. Is there evidence for intrauterine HBV infection in newborn of hepatitis B carrier mothers?  Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1997;28:365-369.

38.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Chongsrisawat V, Vimolkej T, Chumdermpadetsuk S. High Prevalence of Antibody against Hepatitis A Virus in Children and Adults with Mentally Handicapped. Asian Pac Allergy Immunol 1997;15:89-92.

39.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Chongsrisawat V, Seksarn P, Jarvis L, Simmonds P. High prevalence of hepatitis G virus infection in thalassemic children with multiple transfusion. J Gastroenterol  Hepatol 1998;13:253-256 

40.             Kunasol K.  Cooksley G, Suliman HA, Chan VF, Pfje-Villar E, Sinniah M, Isahak I, Poovorawan Y, Lolekha S, Kheim HB, Wah LB, Seong NH,  John J,   Hepatitis A virus : declining seroprevalence in children and adolescents in Southeast Asia, Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1998;29:255-262

41.             Lee BW. On behalf of the Steering Committes for prevention and control of Infectious Disease in Asia : Cooksley G, Suliman HA, Chan VF, Pfje-Villar E, Sinniah M, Isahak I, Poovorawan Y, Lolekha S, Kheim HB, Wah LB, Seong NH, Cramer D, Drew S, John J, Kunasol P, Chandavakar A and Sullivan L. Review of varicella zoster seroepidemiology in India and Southeast Asian J Trop Med and International Health 1998;3:886-90.

42.             Jungthirapanich J, Kaewtubtim J, Poovorawan Y. A new reference line for moasuring the liver size in healthy newborn. J Med Assco Thai 1998;81;(12)938-943.

43.             Poovorawan Y, Chongsrisawat V. Epidemiology of hepatitis C in children and its consequences. In Sarin SK, Hess G. eds. Transfusion Associated Hepatitis CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi India, 1998;pp:110-116.

44.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Chongsrisawat  V, Seksark P. Post-hepatitic aplastic anemia : Causal link to viral hepatitis A-G. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 1997;91(5):489-491.

45.             Poovorawan Y, Tantimongkolsuk C, Chongsrisawat V, Theamboonlers A. High Prevalence of  Epstein-Barr virus antibody among school children of the low to middle socio-economic class in Bangkok, Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1997;28:434-435.

46.             Poovorawan Y. Changing Epidemiology and Prevention of Hepatitis A Virus Infection. Acta Paediatrica Sineca 1998;39:139-145

47.             Poovorawan Y. Experience of Combined  Tetravalent Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whole-cell b. Pertussis and Hepatitis B Vaccine  in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1997;28:496-499.

48.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers  A,  Chongsrisawat  V, Jantaradsamee   P. Prevalence of infection with hepatitis G virus among various groups in  Thailand.  Ann Trop Med & Parasitol 1998;92:89-95.

49.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Petra Hirsch. Does hepatitis G virus cause significant clinical liver disease?. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1997;28:678-682.

50.             Mutirangura A, Parnthanakasem W, Theamboonlers A, Sriuranpong V, Voravud N, Supiyaphum P, Poovorawan.  Epstein-Barr Viral dna in serum of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 1998;4:665-669.

51.             Theamboonlers A, Tangkijvanich P, Pramoolsinsap C, Poovorawan Y. Subtypes and genotypes of hepatitis B virus in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1998;29(4):786-791.

52.             Chongsrisawat V, Vivatvakin B, Suwangool P, Vajragupta L, Poovorawan Y. Non-cirrhotic portal  fibrosis associated with pulmonary arteriovenous communication and pulmonary arterial hypertension. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1998;29(1):76-79

53.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Chongsrisawat V, Sanpavat S. Molecular analysis of the a determinant of HBsAg in children of HBeAg-positive mothers upon failure of postexposure prophylaxis. Int J Infect Dis 1998;2:216-220.

54.             Chongsrisawat V, Jantaradsamee P, Vivatvakin B, Pongpaew P, Poovorawan Y. Alpha 1 - antitrypsin phenotype of children with liver disease in Thailand. Asian Pacific Journal Immunology and Allergy 1998;16:27-30.

55.             Nagampaiboon J, Theamboonlert A, Poovorawan Y. Serum IgG Subclass Levels in Healthy Thailand children. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol  1998;16:49-55.

56.             Poovorawan Y, Kosuwon P, Sutra S, Theamboonlers A, Vimolket T, Safary A. Comparison of the reactogenicity and immunogenicity of two different dose levels of hepatitis A vaccine in healthy children and adolescents. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 1998;16:111-117.

57.             Vimolket T, Theamboonlers A, Tangkijvanich P, Poovorawan Y. Hepatitis GBV-C infection in intravenous drug users. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1998;29:491-5

58.              Poovorawan Y, Sripattanawat R, Theamboonlers A, chongsrisawat V, Nuchprayoon I. Hepatocellular carcinoma: Significance of HBV vertical transmission. Asian Pacific Journal Immunology and Allergy. 1998;16:93-103.

59.             Vimolket T, Theamboonlers A, Dumas R, Poovorawan Y, Immunogenicity and safety of inactivated hepatitis A vaccine in Thai adolescents and adults. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1998;29(4):779-785. 

60.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Surastian A, Seksarn P. Clearance of hepatitis G virus infection in thalassaemic children. Infection. 1998;26:408-408.

61.             Pramoolsinsap C, Poovorawan Y, Sura T, Theamboonlers A, Busagorn N, Kurathong S. Hepatitis G  infection and therapeutic response to interferon in HCV-related chronic liver disease. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pablic Health 1998;29:480-90

62.             Tangkijvanich P, Hirsch P, Theamboonlers A, Nuchprayoon I, Voravud N, Poovorawan Y. Association of hepatitis viruses with hepatocellular carcinoma in Thailand. J Gastroenterol 1999;34:227-33

63.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Chongsrisawat V, Seksarn P. Insufficient Evidence of TT-Viral Etiology of Post Hepatitis Aplastic Anemia. Southeast Asian Journal Trop Med Pub Health 1999;30:385-387

64.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Sanpavat S, Chongsrisawat V, Willems P, Safary A. Comparison study of combined DTPw-HBV   vaccines  and separate administration of DTP w and HBV  at 2, 4 and 6 months of age and a booster at 18 months. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol  1999;17:113-120

65.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Jantaradsamee P, Kaew-in N, Hirsch P, Tangkitvanich P. Hepatitis TT Virus Infection in High Risk Groups. 1998 Infection 1998;26:355-358

66.             Tangkijvanich P, Theamboonlers A, Hirsch P,  Thongngam D,  Kullavanijaya P, Poovorawan  Y. Hepatitis Viruses and Chronic Liver Disease. Southeast Asian Journal Trop Med Public Health 1999;30:489-495.

67.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Jantaradsamee P, Kaew-in N,  Hirsch P, Vimolket T. Hepatitis TT Virus Infection in Intravenous Drug Users. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunology 1999;17:101-106.

68.             Chubuppakarn S, Panichacht P, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan A. Impact of the hepatitis B mass vaccination program in the southern part of Thailand. Southeast Asian Journal Trop Med Pub Health 1998;29:464-8. 

69.             Chubuppakarn S, Panichacht P, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. Low Prevalence of anti-HAV among the Children in Southern Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1998;29:451-2. 

70.             Poovorawan Y. Prevention of Hepatitis A Virus Infection.  In: Proceedings Asian Pan Pacific Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. Teaching workshop, Gall. Sri Lanka 20-23 Oct  1998 pp 30-34

71.             Poovorawan Y, Tangkijvanich P. Natural History of Hepatitis B Carriers in Asia : Vertical versus Horizontal Mode of Transmission and  Impact of Universal Mass Vaccination Programs in SK. Sarin, K Okuda eds. Hepatitis B and C : Carrier to cancer Elsevier India, New Deli 2002;93-104

72.             Tangkijvanich P, Theamboonlers A,  Hirsch, Kullavanijaya P, Suwangool P, Poovorawan Y, TT virus infection in chronic liver disease. Hepatol Gastroenterol 1999;46:1053-58.

73.             Kasemporn Chaiear, Runreang Limpiboon, Deeprom Chaiwongkiat Yong Poovorawan. Fatal mushroom poisoning caused by Amamita virosa in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health 1999;30:157-160

74.             Vimolket T, Theamboonlers A, Jantaradsamee P, Seksarn P, Hirsch P,  Poovorawan Y. Clearance of Hepatitis TT Virus Infection among Thalassemia Children and IVDU.  Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1999;30:269-271

75.             Tangkijvanich P, Tosukhowong P, Bunyongyod P, Lertmaharit S,  Hanvivatvong O, Kullavanijaya P, Poovorawan Y. Alpha-L-Fucosidase as a Serum Marker of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Publice Health 1999;30:110-114

76.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Vimolket T, Jantaradsamee P,  Kaew-in N, Petra Hirsch. Detection of TTV in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of intravenous drug users. Tohoku  J Exp Med. 1999;188:47-54  

77.             Chongsrisawat V, Ruttanamongkol P, Chaiwattanarut T,  Chandrakamol B, Poovorawan Y* Bone Density and 25 hydroxyvitamin D level in Extrahepatic Biliary Atresia 1999 Pediatric Surgery International 2001;17:604-8

78.             Pramoolsinsap C,  sirikulchayanonta V,  Busakorn W, Poovorawan Y,   Hirsch P,  Theamboonlers A, Lerdverasirikul P.  Coinfections with hepatitis G and / or C virus in hepatitis B-related chornic liver disese. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1999;30:741-749

79.             Kullavanijaya P,  Tangkijvanich  P,  Poovorawan Y.  Overview Current Status of Gastrointestinal and  Hepatobiliary Diseases In Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1999;30:96-105.

80.             Poovorawan Y,  Theamboonlers A, Jantaradsamee P,  Kaew-in N,  Hirsch P,  Kullavanijaya P, Tangkijvanich P. Hepatitis B Virus Core Promotor and Precore Mutants in Thai Chronic Hepatitis Patients, Science Asia. 1999;25:127-132.

81.             Tangkijvanich P,  Theamboonlers A, Jantaradsamee P,  Hirsch P,  Mahachai V, a Suwangool V,  Poovorawan Y. Core Promoter and Precore Mutants of Hepatitis B Virus: Prevalence and Clinical Relevance in Thai Chronic Hepatitis Patients. Southeas Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2000;31:627-635.

82.             Temcharoen S, Hirsch P, Theamboonlers A, Likitnukul S,  Seksarn P,  Poovorawan Y. Cytomegalovirus Infection in Immunocompromised Children in Thailand. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 1999 ;17:295-9.

83.             Noppornpanth S, Poovorawan Y.  Comparison between RT-PCR and rapid agglutination test for diagnosis of human rotavirus infection. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1999;30(4):707-709

84.             Pramoolsinsap C, Attamasirul K,  Busagorn, N,  Maneerat Y,  Nuchprayoon C, Tanprasert S,  Srivatanakul P, Theamboonlers A,  Hirsch P, Poovorawan Y.  Susceptibility to hepatitis A virus infection among chronic liver disease patients and healthy blood donors in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1999;30:91-95.

85.             Pramoolsinsap C,  Poovorawan Y,  Hirsh P,  Busagorn S,  Attamasirirul K. Acute hepatitis A superinfection in HBV carriers or chronic liver disease related to HBV or HCV. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 1999;93:745-751.

86.             Theamboonlers A,  Jantaradsamee P, Kaewin N, Tangkitvanich T, Hirsch P, Poovorawan Y. The prevalence of core promotor and precore mutants of hepatitis B virus in Thailand by RFLP and Sequencing. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1999;30(4):750-755

87.             Theamboonlers A, Jantaradsamee P, Kaew-In N,   Tangkijvanich P, Hirsch P, Poovorawan Y. Predominant genotypes of hepatitis B virus in Thailand.Ann Trop Med Parasitol 1999;93:737-743.

88.             Jirasatmathakul P, Poovorawan Y . Prevalence of video games among Thai children: Impact evaluation. J Med Assoc Thai 2000;83:1509-1539.

89.             Poovorawan Y, Tangkijvanich P, Theamboonlers A, Hirsch P. Transfusion transmissible virus TTV and its putative role in the etiology of liver disease. Hepato-Gastroentero 2001;48:256-259.

90.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Suandork P, Hirsch P. Prevalence of antibodies to parvovirus B 19 in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2000;31(2) : 422-424

91.             Tangkijvanich P, Vimolket T, Theamboonlers A, Kullavanijaya P,  Suwangool P, Poovorawan Y. Serum Interleukin-6 and Interferon-gamma levels In Patients with Hepatitis B-associated Chronic Liver Disease. Asian Pac J Allergy Immnol 2000;18:109-114.

92.             Tangkijvanich P, Kasemsupatana K, Janchai A, Kullavanijaya P, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. Prevalence and Clinical Relevance of Serum Anti-p53 Antibodies in Thai Patients with chholangiocarcinoma. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2000;18:173-176.

93.             Tangkijvanich P, Anukulkarnkusol N, Suwangool P,  Lertmaharit S, Hanvivatvong O, Kullavanijaya P, Poovorawan Y. Clinical Characteristis and Prognosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Analysis Based on Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein Levels. J Clin Gastroenterol 2000;31:302-308.

94.             Triteeraprapab S,  Kanjanopas K, Suwannadabba S, Sangprakarn S,  Poovorawan Y, Scott AL. Transmission of the nocturnal periodic strain of Wuchereria bancrofti by Culex quinquefasciatus :  establishng the potential for urban filariasis in Thailand. Epidemiol Infect 2000;125:207-12.

95.             Noppornpanth S, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. Predominant human Rotavirus genotype G1P[8] infection in Thai infants and children. Asian Pacific Allergy Immuno 2001 ;19(1)49-53.

96.             Tangkijvanich P,Janchai A,Charuruks N, Kullavanijaya P, Theamboonlers A, Hirsch P, Poovorawan Y. Clinical associations and prognostic significance of serum anti-p53 antibodies in Thai patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Asian Pac J Aller Immunology 2000;18:237-243.

97.             Suandork P, Theamboonlers A, Likitnukul S, Hirsch P, Poovorawan Y. Parvovirus B19 antibodies in immunocompromised children in Thailand Asian Pac J Aller Immuno 2000;18:161-164

98.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Sinlaparatsamee S, Hirsch P. Increasing susceptibility to HAV among members of the  young generation in Thailand. Increase susceptibility. Asian Pac J Aller Immuno. 2000;18:249-253.

99.             Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Vimolket T, Sinlaparatsamee S, Chaiear K, Siraprapasiri T, Khwanjaipanich S, Owatanpamch S, Hirsch P, Chunsuttiwat S. Impact of hepatitis B immunization as part of Thailand’s EPI. Vaccine 2001:19:943-949

100.        Triteeraprapab S, Nuchprayoon I, Sangprakarn S, Poovorawan Y, Scott AL. High prevalence of WUCHERERIA BANCROFTI infection in Myanmar migrants of Thailand. Ann Trop Med Parasitol  2000 ;95(5)535-8.

101.        Poovorawan Y, Theamboonlers A, Vimolket T, Sinlaparatsamee S, Chaiear K, Siraprapasiri T, Khwanjaipanich S, Owatanpamch S, Hirsch P, Chunsuttiwat S. Persistence of antiHBs in children subjected to the EPI including HB vaccine in Thailand. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2000;94:615-621

102.        Yong  Poovorawan The Progress in the Discovery of Novel Hepatitis Viruses. Proceeding in the 41st annual meeting, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University & Hospital 2000;288-291

103.        Podchanad Jantaradsamee, Issarang Nuchprayoon, Pisit Tangkijvanich, Pongspeera Suwanagool, Pinit Kullavanijaya, Akkawat Janchai,Petra Hirsch. Yong Poovorawan HBV DNA in HBsAg-Negative Hepatocellular carcinoma and chronic hepatitis patients.

104.        Theamboonlers A, Kaewin P, Hirsch P, Poovorawan Y. Determination of hepatitis C virus genotypes in Thailand by RFLP. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2000;94:525-527

105.         Suwanna Noppornpunth, Nuankanya Sathirapongsasuti, Voranush Chongsrisawat, Yong  Poovorawan. Detection of HbsAg and HBV DNA in serum and saliva of patients with HBV carrier. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health 2000;30 (2):419-421

106.        Teeraporn Chinchai, Suwanna Noppornpanth, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Voranush Chonsrisawat, Yong  Poovorawan. Acute Posttrans fusion hepatitis C : identification of common HCV strain in the donor and recipient using polymorphism analysis. Infection 2001;29:40-43.

107.        Poovorawan Y Sanpavat S, Theamboonler A, and Safary A. Long term follow-up (11 to 13 years) of high-risk neonates vaccinated against hepatitis B. Antiviral Therapy 2000;5:24 (Suppl 1)

108.        Suwanna  Noppornpanth, Teeraporn  Chinchai, Parntep Ratanakorn,  Yong  Poovorawan TT virus infection in gibbons. J Vet Med Science 2001;63(6)663-6.

109.        Pisit Tangkijvanich, Duangporn Thong-ngam, Apiradee Theamboonlers,  Orrawadee Hanvivatvong, Pinit Kullavanijaya and Yong Poovorawan. Diagnostic Role of Serum Interleukin 6 and CA 19-9 in  Patients with Cholangiocarcinoma. Hepatogastroentrology 2003;51:15-9

110.        Yong Poovorawan, Suwinmol Sanpavat, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Assad Safary. Long term follow-up (11 to 13 years) or high risk neonates, born to HB e Ag positive mothers and vaccinated hepatitis B. Margolis H, Alter MJ, Liang TJ, Dienstag JL. eds, Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease. International Medical Press Atlanta. 2002;263-266

111.         Voranush   Chongsrisawat, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Nopparat Kaew-in, Sawan Khwanjaipanich, Somchai Owatanapanich, Supakarn Sinlaparatsamee, Yong Poovorawan. Humoral immune response following hepatitis B vaccine booster dose in children with and without prior immunization. Southeast Asian J Trop Med and Public Health 2000;31:623-626.

112.        Chaiyong Nithichaiyo, Voranush Chongsrisawat, Yanee Hutagalung, Hans L. Bock, Yong Poovorawan .Immunogenicity and Reactogenicity of Live Attenuated Varicella Vaccine (Oka-strain) in Children with Chronic Liver Disease. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2000;19:101-105.

113.        Theamboonlers A, Chongsrisawat V, Jantradsamee P, Poovorawan Y. Variants within the “a” determinant  of HBs gene in children and adolescents with and without hepatitis B vaccination as part of Thailand ’s EPI. Tohuku J Exp Med  2001;193:179-205.

114.        Yong Poovorawan, Pantipa Chatchatee, Voranush Chongsrisawat. Hepatitis B vaccine failure. Proceeding in National Symposium on Hepatitis B virus Infection in India, Therapeutic options & prevention strategies New Delhi Sep 2-3, 2000

115.        Kamol Sakulwira, Kanisak Oraveerakul, Yong Poovorawan. Detection and Genotyping of Canine Parvovirus in Enteritic Dogs by PCR and RFLP. ScienceAsia 2000;27:143-147.

116.        Charuruks N, Tangkijvanich P, Voravud N, Chatsantikul, R Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y .Clinical significance of p53 antigen and anti-p53 antibodies in the sera of hepatocellular carcinoma J Gastroenterol 2001;36:830-836.

117.        Teppakdee A, Tangwitoon A, Khemasuwan D, Tangdhanakanond K Suramaethakul N, Sriratanaban J, Poovorawan. Cost benefit of hepatitis A vaccine in Thailand Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health. 2002;33:118-27

118.        Sathienkijakarnchai P, Chongsrisawat V, Charoensapaya J, Tanprayoon I, Chandrakamol B, Suwangool P, Poovorawan Y. The relationship between procollagen –III- peptide and the severity of esophageal varices in children with biliary atresia after Kasai operation. Pediatr Surg Int 2002;18:32-35.

119.        Vorasuk Shotelersuk, Sumarlee Srivuthana, Chupong Ittiwut, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Charan Mahatumarat, Yong Poovorawan. A case of Pfeiffer syndrome type 1 with an A344P mutation in the FGFR2 gene. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health 200132:425-8.

120.        Pisit Tangkijvanich, Pinit Kullavanijaya , Pongspeera Suwangool, Yong Poovorawan. Gender Difference in Clinicopathologic Features and  Survival of Thai Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma. World Journal Gastroenterol  2004; 1;10(11):1547-50.

121.        Voranush Chongsrisawat, Somboon Roekwibunsi, Atchara Mahayosnond, Kanaungnit  Kingpetch, Yong Poovorawan  Spontaneous choledochal cyst rupture in a child. Pediatr Surg Int. 2004;20:811-2

122.        Pisit Tangkijvanich, Pinit Kullavanijaya, Yong Poovorawan. Liver fluke-associated cholangiocarcinoma:  pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health  2003 (submitted)

123.        Vorasuk Shotelersuk, Chupong Ittiwut, Sumarlee Srivuthana, Suthipong acharasindhu, Suphab Aroonparkmongkol, Apiwat Mutirangura, Yong Poovorawan Clinical and Molecular Characteristics of Thai Patients with Achondroplasia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med and Public Health 2001;32:429-33. 

124.        Ilina Isahak, On behalf of the Steering Committee for Prevention and Control of Infectious Diusease in Asia. Adult immunization A neglected issue in southeast asia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health 2000;31:173-184

125.        Pisit Tangkijvanich, Duangporn Thong-ngam, Varocha Mahachai, Nusont Kladchareon, Pongspeera Suwangool Pinit Kullavanijaya Long-term Effect of Interferon Therapy on Incidence of Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Thai Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B, Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health 2001;32:452-8

126.        Theamboonlers A, Hansurabhanon T, Verachai V, Chongsrisawat V, Poovorawan Y Hepatitis D virus infection in Thailand: HDV genotyping by RT-PCR, RFLP and direct sequencing. Infection 2002;30:140-4.

127.        Likitnukul S, Chatchatee P, Chongsrisawat V, Poovorawan Y. Typhoid fever : State of the art Vaccine children & Practice  2001;4:34-38

128.        Poovorawan Y,  Chongsrisawat V, Tangkijvanich P.  Problems and prevention of Viral Hepatitis in Thailand J Med Assoc Thai 2001;84suppl:518-525

129.        **Poovorawan Y, Chatchatee P, Chongsrisawat V. Hepatitis B vaccine failure. Hepatitis B in India Prevention and Management. Eds. SK Sarin and A K Singal. CBS PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS NEW DELHI. 2004;pp431-443.

130.        Kongruttanachok N, Sukdikul S, Setavarin S, Kerekhjanarong V, Supiyaphun P, Voravud N, Poovorawan Y, Mutirangura A. Cytochrome P450 2E1 polymorphism and nasopharyngeal carcinoma development in Thailand: a correlative study . BMC Cancer 2001 1-4. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/1/4

131.        Vorasuk Shotelersuk, Chupong Ittiwut, Kanjana Shotelersuk, Surang triratanachat, Yong Poovorawan, Apiwat Mutirangura Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3 S249C Mutation in Viral Associated Squamous Cell Carcinomas. Oncology report 20001;8:1301-4.

132.        Lolekha S, Cooksley G, Chan V, Isahak I, Ismael S, John J, Khiem HB, Kunasol P, Wah LB, Seong NH, Paje-Villar E, Sulaiman HA, Poovorawan Y, Steering committee for prevention and control of infection disease in Asia. A review of Hib epidemiology in Asia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health  2000;31:650-7.

133.        Yong Poovorawan, Pantipa Chatchatee, Voranush Chongsrisawat, Epidemiology and prophylaxis of viral hepatitis - a global perspective. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2002;17:S156-167

 134.    Hansurabhanon T, Jirapongsa C, Tunsakun P, Sukbunsung R, Bunyamanee B, Kuirat P, Meedsen S,                Waedeng W, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. Infection with hepatitis C virus among intravenous-drug            users: prevalence, genotypes and risk-factor-associated behaviour patterns in Thailand. Ann.Trop. Med. Parasitol.  2002;96:615-625.

135.        Viroj Verachai, Tipwan Rhutiprawan, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Teeraporn Chinchai, Srivilai Tanprasert, Bart Haggman A.D.M.E. Osterhaus, Yong Poovorawan. The prevalence and genotypes of hepatitis C virus infection among different groups of drug addicts and blood donors. 8th International Symposium on Hepatitis C & Related virused : Molceular Viology and Pathogenesis : Sep 2-5,2001 Paris, France 2001 (abstract)

136.        Chongsrisawat V, Poovorawan T. Management of chronic hepatitis B & C virus infections. Indian J Pediatr  2002;16:149-154

137.        Pantipa Chatchatee,  Voranush Chongsrisawat, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan. Declining Hepatitis A Seroprevalence Among Medical Students in Bangkok,Thailand, 1981-2001. Asian Pacific Journal Allergy Immunol 2002;20:53-56.

138.        Kamol Sakulwira, Phingphol  Charoonrut, Parntep Ratanakorn. Yong Poovorawan. Serological Evidence of Herpesvirus Infections in Gibbons. BMC Microbiol. 2002 May 31;2(1):11.

139.        Chongsrisawat V, Chatchatee P, Samransamruajkit R, Vanapongtipagorn P, Chottivittayatarakorn P, Poovorawan Y. Plasma endothelin-1 levels in patients with biliary atresia: possible role in development of portal hypertension. Ped Surg Int 2003;6:478-81.

140.        Viroj Verachai, Tipwan Thutiprawan, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Teeraporn Chinchai, Srivilai Tanprasert, Bart L. Haagmans, Albert.-D.M.E. Osterhaus, Yong Poovorawan.Prevalence and Genotypes Of Hepatitis C virus infection among different groups of drug addicts and blood donors in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2002;4:849-851.

141.  Kosuwon P, Bunyarat W, Baugerd T, Hutagalung Y, Bock HL, Poovorawan Y, Reduced antigen content diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccine (dTpa) as a booster dose for 4 to 6 year-old children immunized with 4 doses of whole cell pertussis vaccine. Vaccine. 2003;21:4194-4200

142.    Kamol Sakulwira, Pijitra Vanapongtipagorn, Kanisak Oraveerakul, Yong Poovorawan Prevalence of Canine Coronavirus and Parvovirus Infections in Dogs with Gastroenteritis.  Veterinary Medicine  2003;48:163-167


143. Rujipat Samransamruajkit, Kittichai Moonviriyakit, Pijitra Vanapongtipagorn, Nuanchan Prapphal. Jitladda Deelodegenavong, Yong  Poovorawan. Plasma endothelin-1 in infants and young children with acute bronchiolitis and viral pneumonia. Asian Pac J Allerg Immunol 2002;20:229-234.

144.        Klanrit  P, Thongprasom K, Rojanawatsirivej S, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y.  Hepatitis C virus infection in patients with oral lichen planus. Oral Diseases. 2003;9:292-297

145.        Pisit Tangkijvanich, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Maturapod Sriponthong, Yong Poovorawa. SEN Virus infection in patients with chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. J Gastroenterol 2003;38:142-148

146.        Vorayod Boonyarad, Sommai Choeichareon, Anuchit Chutaputti, Yong Poovorawan.Interspousal Transmission of Hepatitis C virus in thailand  J. Gastroenterol 2003;38:1053-1059

147.        Suwanna Noppornpanth, Bart L. Haagmans, Parvapan Bhattarakosol,  Parntep Ratanakorn,  Albert D.M.E. Osterhaus and Yong Poovorawan. Molecular epidemiology of gibbon hepatitis B virus transmission. J Gen Virol. 2003;84:147-155

148.        Siriwan  Wananukul, Vanida  Nopponpunth, Yong  Poovorawan. Human herpesviruses infection in children with fever and maculopapular rash. Asian Pacific J Allerg Immunol 2003;21:217-21.

149.        Vanida  Nopponpunth , Supawee  Changrad, Apiwan  Rakyuu, Janjuree  Nertsawange Weerapa Chansupit, Yong  Poovorawan. Degenerated primers design for multiplex nested-pcr detection of human lymphotropic herpesviruses. Southeast Asian J Trop Public Health. 2003;30:120-125

150.         Voranush Chongsrisawat, Sirinuch Ampai, Pairoj Chotivitayatarakorn, Tosaporn Sirisopikul, Yong Poovorawan. Relationship between vasoactive intestinal peptide and hepatopulmonary syndrome in children with chronic liver disease. Acta Pediatr 2004; 92:1411-4.

151.        Apiradee Theamboonlers, Podchanad Jantaradsamee, Pantipa Chatchatree, Mahama Uhreno, Chuleeporn Jiraphongsa, Yong Poovorawan Molecular  characterization of Hepatitis A virus  infection in the context  of  outbreaks in the southern part of Thailand. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2002;96:727-734

152.        Kamol Sakulwira, Pijitra Vanapongtipagorn, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Kanisak Oraveerakul, Yong Poovorawan. Detection and Typing of Human Herpesviruses1-5 by Consensus Primer PCR and RFLP. Asian Pac J Aller Immunol 2003;21:55-61



153.        Teeraporn Chinchai, Joost Labout, Suwanna Noppornpanth, Apiradee Teamboonlers, Bart L Haagmans, Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus, Yong Poovorawan. Comparative study of different methods to genotype hepatitis C virus type 6 variants. J Viol Methods 2003;109:195-201

154.         Sanipa Suradhat, Roongroje Thanawongnuwech, Yong Poovorawan. Up regulation of IL-10 gene expression in porcine peripheral blood mononuclear cells by porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). J Gen Virol 2003;84:453-459.

155.        Sasithorn Likitnukul, Nuanchan Prapphal, Wiroje Pongpunlert, Pornchai Kingwatanakul, Yong Poovorawan. Dual infection : Dengue hemorrhagic fever with unusual manifestations and mycoplasma pneumonia  in a child   Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health 2004;35:399-402.

156.        A Themboonlers, T Chinchai, K Bedi, P Jantarasamee, M. Sripontong, V  Chongsrisawat and  Y Poovorawan. Molecular characterization of HCV core region in Thai blood donor. Acta virologica 2002;46:169-173

157.        Wanida Thanasugarn, Rujipat Samransamruajkit, Pijitra Vanapongtipagorn, Nuanchan Prapphal, Bernadett Van Den Hoogen, Albert D.M.E Osterhaus, Yong Poovorawan.  Human metapneumovirus infection in Thai children.  Scan J Inf Dis 2003;35:754-756

158.         Jutamas Umpuchineewan, Siriwan Wananukul, Kamol Sakulwira, Yong Poovorawan. Varicella Infection in Pediatric AIDS Patient Presenting as Umbilicated Papules Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol. 2003 Mar;21(1):63-8.

159.        Tangkijvanich P, Theamboonlers A, Sriponthong M, Kullavanijaya P, Poovorawan Y. SEN Virus infection and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma: A Case control study. Am J Gastroenterol 2003;9:292-297

160.        Paisarn Vejchapipat, Apiradee Theambonlers, Rapeepan Chaokhonchai, Voranush Congsrisawat , Soottiporn Chittmittrapap, Yong Poovorawan. Serum hepatocyte growth factor and clinical outcome in biliary atresia. J Pediatr Surg. 2004;39:1045-1049.

161.        Voranush Chongsrisawat, Prachya Kongtawelert, Wannarat Tongsoongnoen, Pisit Tangkijvanich,  Paisarn Vejchapipat, Yong Poovorawan. Serum hyaluronan as a marker reflecting the severity of cirrhosis and Portal hypertension in patients with postoperative biliary atresia. Ped Surg Int  2003;20:773 - 777

162.        Sasithorn Likitnukul, Parvapan Bhattarakosol, Yong Poovorawan Seroprevalence of cytomegalovirus infection in children born to hiv-1 infected women. Asian Pac J Allerg Immunol 2003;21:127-30.

163.        Prakat Charearnrad,Voranush Chongsrisawat, Supatporn Tepmongkol,Yong Poovorawan.  Effect of Phenobarbital on The Accuracy of 99mTc-DISIDA Scintigraphy in Differentiation Biliary Atresia from Neonatal Hepatitis Syndrome  J Med Assoc Thailand  2003;86:S189-S198 

164.        Kamol Sakulwira, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Kanisak Oraveerakul, Narongsak Chaiyabutr, Parvapan Bhattarakosol, and Yong Poovorawan Orangutan lymphocryptovirus. J Med Primatology  2004;33:25-9.

165.        Pisit Tangkijvanich, P Kongtawelert, Varocha Mahachai, Pongspeera Suwangool and Yong Poovorawan. Serum Hyaluronan: A Marker of Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease Asian Pac J Allerg Immunol 2003;21:115-20.

166.        Prachya Kongtawelert, Pisit Tangkijvanich, Siriwan Ong-Chai, Yong Poovorawan. Role of serum total sialic acid in differentiating between cholangiocarcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma. World Journal of Gastroenterol 2003;9:2178-81

167.        Teeraporn Chinchai,  Bart L. Haagmans, Sven Bruijns, Chintana Chirathaworn, Kavita Bedi,  Apiradee Theamboonlers, Albert D.M.E. Osterhaus, and Yong Poovorawan . T Cell Response to Hepatitis C Virus in Southeast Asian Blood Donors. J Med Virol 2003 (submitted)

168.        Rujipat Samransamruajkit, Nuanchan Prapphal, Jitladda Deelodegenavong, Yong Poovorawan, Plasma Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (sICAM-1) in Pediatric ARDS during high frequency oscillatory ventilation: A randomized controlled trial, A predicted of Mortality. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2005;23::181-188.

169.        Zahid Hussain, Syed Akhtar Husain,  Abdul Malik ,  Mohammad Asim,  Yong  Poovorawan, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Premashish  Kar. Hepatitis A virus genotypes and clinical relevance : Clinical and molecular characterization of Hepatitis A virus isolates from Northern India. Hepatol Res. 2005;32:16-24.

170.        Keawcharoen J, Theamboonlers A, Jantaradsamee P, Rungsipipat A  , Oraveerakul K. Poovorawan Y, Nucleotide sequence analysis of nucleocapsid protein gene of canine distemper virus isolates in Thailand. Vet Microbiol 2005 Jan 31;105:137

171.        Voranush Chongsrisawat, Phisek Yimyeam, Naruemon Wisedopas, Dusit Viravaidya,  Yong Poovorawan. Unusual manifestations of gastric inflammatory fibroid polyp in a child. World J Gastroenterol. 2004;10:460-2.

172.        Yong Poovorawan, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Voranush Chongsrisawat, Pojchanad Jantaradsamee, Soontaree Chutsirimongkol, Pisit Tangkijvanich, Clinical features and molecular characterization of hepatitis A virus outbreak in a child care center in Thailand. J Clinical Virol 2005;32:24-8.

173.        Voranush Chongsrisawat, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan.  Prevalence of hepatitis A virus infection in children with biliary atresia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health  2004;35:959-61.

174.        Paisarn Vejchapipat, Pisit Tangkijvanich, Apiradee Theamboonlers Voranush Chongsrisawat, Soottiporn Chittmittrapap, Yong Poovorawan. Association between serum hepatocyte growth factor and the survival in untreated hepatocellular carcinoma.  J Gastroenterol 2004;39:1182-8

175.        Sunchai Payungporn, Pisit Tangkijvanich, Pojchanad Jantaradsamee, Apiradee Theamboonlers,  Yong Poovorawan, Simultaneous Quantification and Genotyping of Hepatitis B Virus by Real-Time PCR and Melting Curve Analysis J Virol Method 2004;15:131-40.

176.        Paisarn Vejchapipat, Naruemol Jirapanakorn, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Voranush Chongsrisawat, Soottiporn Chittmittrapap, Yong Poovorawan. There is no association between K469E ICAM-1 Gene Polymorphism  in Biliary Atresia . World J Gastroenterol 2005;11:4886-4890.

177.        Sittisak Honsawek, Voranush Chongsrisawat, Paisarn Vejchapipat, Pisit Tangkijvanich, Yong Poovorawan. Serum Interleukin-8 in Children with Biliary Atresia.  Pediatr Surg Int 2004;21:73-7

178.         Suda Louisirirotchanakul, Chinda Kanoksinsombat, Apiradee Theamboonlert, Pilaipan Puthavatana, Chantapong Wasi, Yong Poovorawan. Mutation of ‘a’ Determinant of HBsAg with Discordant HBsAg Diagnostic Kits. Viral Immunol  2004;17:440-4.

179.        Chirathaworn C, Pongpanich A, Poovorawan Y. Herpes Simplex virus 1 induced LOX-1 Expression in an Endothelial Cell Line, ECV  304. Viral Immunol 2004;17:307-314

180.        Boonyod D, Poovorawan Y, Bhattarakosol P, Chirathaworn C. LipL32, an outer membrance protein of leptospira, as an antigen in a dipstick assay. Asian Pac J Aller Immunol.  2004;1-3:133-41.

181.        Suchada Sritippayawan, Piyachat Lekhanont, Chanthana Harnruthakorn, Rujipat Samransamruajkit, Jitladda Deerajanawong, Panya Seksarn, Yong Poovorawan, Nuanchan Prapphal. Restrictive Lung Disease and Serum TGF-B1 in Thalassemia Major Children. Asian Pac J Allerg immunol. Asian Pacfic Journal Allergy and Immunology. 2005;23:121-126

182.        Poovorawan Y. Perspectives on hepatitis B prevention through vaccination. Vaccines: Children and Practice  2004;7:26-27.

183.        Nareerat Viseshakul, Roongroje Thanawongnuwech, Alongkorn Amonsin, Sanipa Suradhat, Kanisak Oraveerakul, Piya Wongyanin, Juthatip Keawchareon, Sukanya Plitkul, Apiradee Theamboonlere, Sunchai Payungporn and Yong Poovorawan.  The Genome Sequence Analysis of H5N1 Avian Influenza A Virus Isolated from the Outbreak Among Poultry Populations in Thailand. Virology.  2004;238:169-176

184.        Vimolket T, Poovorawan Y. An Economic Evaluation Of Universal Infant Vaccination Strategies Against Hepatitis B In Thailand: An Analytic  Decision Approach To Cost Effectiveness. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health  2005;36:693-699.

185.        Juthatip  Keawcharoen, Kanisak Oraveerakul, Thijs  Kuiken†, Ron A.M. Fouchier, Alongkorn Amonsin, Sunchai Payungporn, Suwanna Noppornpanth, Sumitra  Wattanodorn, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Rachod Tantilertcharoen, Rattapan  Pattanarangsan, Nlin Arya, Pantep Rattanakorn, Albert D.M.E.Osterhaus, Yong Poovorawan. Avian influenza A (H5N1) virus fatal for tigers and leopards. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2004;10:2189-91

186.        Nuchprayoon S, Porksakorn c, Junpee A, Sanprasert V, Poovorawan Y. Comparative assessment of an Og4C3 ELISA and an ICT Filariasis Test : A study of Myanmar migrants in Thailand. Asian Pac J Allergy and Immunol. 2003;21:253-257

187.        Poovorawan Y, Chongsrisawat V. Definition and Epidemiology of  Acute Liver Failure. Proceeding of the 2nd World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology. Hepatology and Nutrition Palais des congres Paris . 2004;3-7 July  2004.

188.        Sunchai Payungporn, Piraya Phakdeewirot, Salin Chutinimitkul  Apiradee Theamboonlers, Juthatip  Keawcharoen, Kanisak Oraveerakul, Yong Poovorawan Single Step Multiplex Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) for Influenza A Virus Subtype H5N1 Detection. Viral Immunology. 2004;17:588-593

189.         Theamboonlers A, M. Veravigrom O. Yambangyang, P. Trairatvorakul, V. Chongsrisawat, and Y. Poovorawan. The incidence of Rotavirus A isolates of G genotype in Thailand. Acta Virologica 2005;49:111-115

190.        Nuchprayoon S, Sangprakarn S, Jundee A, Nithiuthai S, Chungpivat S, Poovorawan Y. Differentiation of Brugia malayi and Brugia pahongi by PCR-RFLP of ITS-1 and ITS 2. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health 2003;34:67-73

191.        Nuchprayoon S, Junpee A, Poovorawan Y. Detection and differentiation of pathogenic filarial parasites by universal primers PCR and RFLP. Am J Trop Med Hygine 2005;73:895-900.

192.        Nuchprayoon S, Junpee A, Nithiuthai S, Chungpivat S, Suvannadabba S, Poovorawan Y.  Detection of filarial parasites in domestic cats by PCR-RFLP of ITS1. Vet Parasitol. 2006;140:366-72

193.        Wanviput Sanphasitvong, Kittiyod Poovorawan,  Pitirat Boonsuk,   Thamathorn Assanasen, Thanyaphong Na Nakorn, Yong Poovorawan. Parvovirus B19 infection in HIV patient with pure red cell aplasia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health. 2005;36:265-269.

194.        Rujipat Samransamruajkit, Wanida Thanasugarn, Nuanchan Prapphal, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan.MD. Human Metapneumovirus in infants and young children with lower respiratory tract infections; molecular characteristics and clinical presentations. J Infect. 2006 Apr;52(4):254-63.

195.        Pisit Tangkijvanich, Varocha Mahachai, Piyawat Komolmit, Juthatip Fongsarun, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan. Hepatitis B virus genotypes and hepatocellular carcinoma in Thailand. World J Gastroenterol. 2005;11:2238-43

196.        Pisit Tangkijvanich, Varocha Mahachai, Piyawat Komolmit, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan, Clinical and Virological Differences between Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes B and C: A Case-Control Study. J Med Assoc Thai. 2004;84:s223-227

197.        Wananukul S, Chindamporn A, Yumyourn P, Sanchai P, Samathi C, Poovorawan Y. Malassezia species in infantile seborrheic dematitis. Asian Pac J Aller Immunol. 2005;23:101-105.

198.        Juthatip Keawcharoen, Kanisak Oraveerakul, Sumitra Wattanodorn, Alongkorn Amonsin, Termsitthi Papravasit, Somkid Karnda, Karn Lekagul, Rattapan  Pattanarangsan, Suwanna Noppornpanth, Ron A.M. Fouchier, Thijs Kuiden, Albert D.M.E. Osterhaus, Sanchai Payungporn, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan. Characterization of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase gene of recent H5N1 avian influenza viruses among different avian species in Thailand. Acta Virol. 2005;49(4):277-80.

199.        Sookpotarom P, Vejchapipat P, Chittmittrapap S, Chongsrisawat V, Chandrakamol B, Poovorawan. Short-term results of kasai operation for biliary atresia an experience from one institution. Asian J Surgery 2005;29:188-192

200.        Vejchapipat P, Leawhiran N, Poomsawat S, Theamboonlers A, Chittmittrapap S, Poovorawan Y. Amelioration of intestinal reperfusion injury by moderate hypothermia is accoclated with serum sICAM-1 levels. J Surg Res. 2006;130:152-7

201.        Keinduangjun, J., Piamsa-nga, P., Poovorawan, Y.: Intelligent data recognition of DNA sequences using statistical models. In: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3776.  Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 630-635

202.        Keinduangjun, J., Piamsa-nga, P., Poovorawan, Y.: DNA Sequence identification by statistics-based models. In: Wang, L., Jin, Y. (eds.): Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3614. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 1041-1050

203.        Veeravigrom M, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. Epidemiology and Cliniclal Manifestaton of Rotavirus and Norwalk-Like Viruses in Thai Children. J Med Assoc Thai 2004;87:s50-s54

204.        Roongroje Thanawongnuwech, Alongkorn Amonsin,Rachod Tantilertcharoen, Thawat Lekdumrongsak, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Sunchai Payungporn, Kamonchart Nanthapornphiphat, Somchuan Ratanamungklanon, Eakchai Tunak, Thaweesak Songserm, Sudarat Damrongwatanapokin, Veravit Vivatthanavanich, Schwann Tunhikorn and Yong Poovorawan. Probable Tiger-to-Tiger Transmission of Avian Influenza H5N1. EID. 2005;11:699-701

205.        Chutinimitkul S, Payungporn S, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y.  Dengue typing assay based on real-time PCR using SYBR Green I. J Virol Methods. 2005;129:8-15.

206.        Theamboonlers A, Samransamruajkit R, Thongme C, Amonsin A, Chongsrisawat V,            Poovorawan Y.  Human Coronavirus Infection among Children with Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Thailand. Intervirology. 2006;50:71-77

207.        Trairatvorakul P, Changsrisawat V, Ngamvasinont D, Asawarachun D, Nantasook J, Poovorawan. Serum nitric oxide in children with dengue infection. 2005. Asian Pacific J Immnology 2005;23:115-119.

208.        Honsawek S, Chongsrisawat V, Vejchapipat P, Thawornsuk N, Poovorawan Y.  Association of serum levels of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase-1 with clinical outcome in children with biliary atresia. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol. 2006 ;24:161-6.

209.         Piraya Phakdeewirot, Sunchai Payungporn, Salin Chutinimitkul, Apiradee Theamboonlers an d Yong Poovorawan Prevalence and Molecular Characterization of Polymerase Gene of Gibbon Lymphocryptovirus. J Med Primatol. 2006 Jun;35(3):136-43.

210.        Chantanee Buranathai, Arunee Chaisingh, Bandit Nuansrichay, Sudarat Damrongwattanapokin, Yukol Limlamthong, Alongkorn Amonsin, Sunchai Payungporn, Salin Chutinimitkul, Juthatip Keawcharoen, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Piraya Phakdeewirot, Kanisak Oraveerakul, Nareerat Viseshakul, Roongroje Thanawongnuwech, Sanipa Suradhat and Yong Poovorawan Molecular Characteristic of H5N1 Avian Influenza A virus in Thailand, 2004. Proceeding France 2005

211.        Siriyasatien P, Tangthongchaiwiriya  K, Jariyapan N, Kaewsaitiam S, Poovorawan Y and Thavara U. Analysis of salivary gland proteins of the mosquito armigeres subalbatus. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health. 2005;1:64-67

212.        Vejchapipat V, Theamboonlers A, Chongsrisawat V, Poovorawan Y. An evidence of intestinal mucosal injury in dengue infection. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health. 2006;37:79-82

213.        Alongkorn Amonsin, Sunchai Payungporn, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Roongroje Thanawongnuwech, Sanipa Suradhata,Nuananong Pariyothorn, Rachod Tantilertcharoen, Sudarat Dumrongwantanapokin, Chantanee Buranathai, Arunee Chaisingh, Thaweesak Songserm, Yong Poovorawan. Genetic characterization of H5N1 Influenza A viruses isolated from zoo tigers in Thailand.  Virology. 2006. 20;344:480-91.

214.        Teeraporn Chinchai, Suwanna Noppornpanth, ,Kavita Bedi, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan,   222 base pairs in NS5B region and the determination of Hepatitis C virus genotype 6 . Intervirology 2006;49:224-229

215.        Nattiya Hirankarn, Ingorn Kimkong, Pittaya Kummee, Pisit Tangkijvanich, Yong Poovorawan.  Interleukin-1b Gene Polymorphism Associated With Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Hepatitis B Virus Infection. World J Gastroenterol. 2006 7;12:776-9.

216.        Honsawek S, Chongsrisawat V, Vejchapipat P, Thawornsuk N, Tangkijvanich P, Poovorawan Y.  Elevation of serum stem-cell factor in postoperative biliary atresia. Pediatr Int. 2007;49:888-93.

217.        Keinduangjun, J, Piamsa-nga, P, Poovorawan, Y. Signature recognition methods for identifying Influenza sequences. In: Miksch, S., et al. (eds.): Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3581. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 504-513

218.        Pisit Tangkijvanich, Duangporn Thong-ngam, Varocha Mahachai, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan. Role of serum interleukin-18 as a prognostic factor in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Would J Gasterol. 2007 ;13:4345-9.

219.         Kamol Suwannakarn, Pisit Tangkijvanich, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Kenji Abe, Yong Poovorawan. A novel recombination of hepatitis B virus genotypes G and C isolated from a Thai patient with hepatocellular carcinoma. J General Virology. 2005;86:3027-3030

220.        Suwanna Noppornpanth, Truong Xuan Lien, Yong Poovorawan, Saskia Smits, Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus, and Bart L. Haagmans  Identification of a Naturally Occurring Recombinant Genotype 2i/6d Hepatitis C Virus. J Virol 2006;80:7569-7577.

221.        Poovorawan Y, Chongsrisawat V, Hutagalung Y, Boudville I, Bock H. Dengue virus : a major cause of acute hepatic failure in Thai children. Ann Trop Paediatr. 2005;26:17-23

222.        Juthatip Keawcharoen, Kanisak Oraveerakul , Yong Poovorawan,  Sumitra Wattanodorn, Pinit Pusoonthronthum, Rosama Pusoonthronthum. Molecular characterization of the gag gene of feline immunodeficiency virus isolated from the domestic cats in Thailand. Vet Med 2005. (submitted)

223.        Keinduangjun, J., Piamsa-nga, P., Poovorawan, Y.: Models for discovering signatures in DNA sequences. Proceedings of the 3rd IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Innsbruck, Austria, February 16-18, 2005, pp. 548-553

224.        Sunchai Payungporn, Salin Chutinimitkul, Arunee Chaisingh, Sudarat Dumrongwantanapokin, Chantanee Buranathai, Alongkorn Amonsin, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan. Single step multiplex real-time RT-PCR for H5N1 influenza A virus detection. J Virol Methods. 2006 Feb;131(2):143-7. 

225.        Sunchai Payungporn, Salin Chutinimitkul, Arunee Chaisingh, Sudarat Dumrongwantanapokin, Chantanee Buranathai, Alongkorn Amonsin, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan Discrimination between highly and low pathogenic subtype H5 avian influenza A viruses by melting curve analysis real-time PCR. Emerging Inf Dis 2006;12:700-701

226.        Keinduangjun, J., Piamsa-nga, P., Poovorawan, Y.: Discovery of DNA Signatures by Statistics-Based Metrics. BMC Bioinformatics. (revised)

227.        Khongphatthanayothin A, Lertsapcharoen P, Supachokchaiwattana P, Satupan P, Thongchaiprasit K, Poovorawan Y, Thisyakorn C. Hepatosplanchnic circulatory dysfunction in acute hepatic infection: the case of dengue hemorrhagic fever.Shock. 2005;24:407-411.  

228.        Vejchapipat P, Chongsrisawat V, Theamboonlers A, Chittmittrapap S, Poovorawan. Elevated serum nitric oxide metabolites in biliary atresia. Pediatric Surgery International 2006;22:106-9

229.        Vejchapipat P, Poomsawat S, Poovorawan Y, Proctor E, Pierro A, The effect of moderate hypothermia on energy metabolism and serum inflammatory markers during laparotomy. Pediatric Surgery International 2006;22:66-71

230.        Chirathaworn C, Kongcharoensuntorn W, Charadram P, Pongpanich A, Poovorawan Y. Myristica fragrans Houtt. Methanolic Extract induces Apoptosis in a Human Leukemia Cell Line through SIRT1 mRNA Downregulation. J Med Assoc Thai  2007;90:2422-8.

231.        Patchara Kiettisanpipop,  Pornthep Lertsapcharorn, Pairoj Chotivittayatarakorn,          Yong Poovorawan. Plasma levels of nitric oxide in children with congenital heart disease and increased pulmonary blood flow. J Med Assoc Thai 2007;90:2053-2057

232.        Thaweesak Songserm,  Alongkorn Amonsin,  Rungroj  Jam-on, Namdee  Sae-Heng, Noppadol Meemak, Nuananong Pariyothorn, Sunchai Payungporn, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan. Avian Influenza A (H5N1) in a naturally infected domestic cat. Emer Inf Dis 2006;12:681-683

233.        Khongphatthanayothin A, Pumaputi P, Thongchaiprasit K, Lertsapcharoen P, Thisyakorn C, Poovorawan Y. Serum level of sICAM-1 and sE-selectin in patients with dengue virus infection. Jpn J Infect Dis. 2006;59:186-8.

234.        Chatproedprai S, Yoocharoen P, Chongsrisawat V, Chatchatee P, Theamboonlers A, Warinsathien P, Tharmaphornpilas P, Warintrawat S, Tharmaphornpilas P, Poovorawan Y. Declining Trend of Hepatitis A virus seroprevalence in Thailand. Ann Tropical Med and Parasitology 2007;01:61-8

235.        Sakulwira K, Adirekthaworn A, Koykul W, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. Species identification by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism of mitochondrial DNA. J Med Assoc Thai 2007. (Submitted)

236.        Poj Intalapaporn, Yong Poovorawan, Chusana Suankratay Immune reconstitution syndrome associated with parvovirus B19-induced pure red cell aplasia during highly active antiretroviral therapy. J Infect. 2006;53:e79-82.

237.        Voranush Chongsrisawat, Pornsak Yoocharoen, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Piyanit Tharmaphornpilas, Porpit Warinsathien, Supakarn Sinlaparatsamee, Siriraj Paupunwatana, Kasemporn Chaiear, Sawan Khwanjaipanich, and Yong Poovorawan. Hepatitis B seroprevalence in Thailand: twelve years after hepatitis B vaccine integration into the national expanded programme on immunization. Trop Med Int Health. 2006 Oct;11(10):1496-502.

238.        Pattaratida Sa-nguanmoo, Paisarn Vejchapipat, Voranush Chongsrisawat, Chintana Chirathaworn, Yong Poovorawan. Analysis of Connective Tissue Growth Factor Promoter Polymorphism in Thai Children with Biliary Atresia. J Med Assoc Thai  2007;90:251-257

239.        Alongkorn Amonsin, Salin Chutinimitkul, Nuananong Pariyothorn, Thaweesak Songserm,  Sudarat Damrongwatanapokin, Arunee Chaisingh,   Noppadol Meemak, Porntip Sirivan, Suphasawatt Puranaveja,  Rungroj  Jam-on,  Namdee  Sae-Heng,  Sunchai Payungporn,  Apiradee Theamboonlers,  Rachod Tantilertcharoen, Sanipa Suradhat, Roongroje Thanawongnuwech, Yong Poovorawan. Genetic characterization of Influenza A viruses (H5N1) isolated from 3rd wave of Thailand AI outbreaks. Virus Res. 2006 Dec;122(1-2):194-9. Epub 2006 Aug 28.

240.        Voranush Chongsrisawat, Nutchanart Thawornsuk, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Suda Louisirirotchanakul, Yong Poovorawan Hepatitis B virus DNA in Unusual Serology Profiles of HBsAg-positive sera. Viral Immunol 2006;19:623-629

241.        Thaweesak  Chieochansin, Salin Chutinimitkul, Sunchai Payungporn, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Pisit Tangkijvanich, Piyawat Komolmit,Yong Poovorawan. Rapid Detection of Lamivudine-Resistant Hepatitis B Virus Mutations by PCR-Based Methods. Tohoku J Exp Med 2006;210:67-78.

242.        Chittmittrapap S, Chandrakamol B, Poovorawan Y, Suwangool P. Factors influencing outcome after hepatic portoenterostomy for biliary atresia: a logistic regression analysis. J Med Assoc Thai. 2005 Aug;88(8):1077-82.

243.        Salin Chutinimitkul, Parvapan Bhattarakosol, Surangrat Srisuratanon, Atthapon Eiamudomkan,  Kittipong Kongsomboon,  Sudarat Damrongwatanapokin, Arunee Chaisingh,  Kamol Suwannakarn, Thaweesak Chieochansin,Apiradee Theamboonlers and Yong Poovorawan. H5N1 Influenza A Virus and Infected Human Plasma EID 2006;12:1041-1043

244.        Salin Chutinimitkul, Pattaratida Sa-nguanmoo, Yong Poovorawan. Avian Influenza H5N1 Virus : The Three-Wave Spread in Thailand. World Scientific, Singapore 2006;pp35-52.

245.        Sittisak Honsawek, Prachya Kongtawelert, Peraphan Pothacharoen, Apichai Khongphatthanayothin, Voranush Chongsrisawat, Yong Poovorawan Increased Levels of Serum Hyaluronan in Patients with Dengue Infection. Journal of Infection. 2007;54:225-229.

246.        Thontiravong A, Payungporn S, Keawcharoen J, Chutinimitkul S, Wattanodorn S, Damrongwatanapokin S, Chaisingh A, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y, Oraveerakul K. The single-step multiplex reverse transcription- polymerase chain reaction assay for detecting H5 and H7 avian influenza A viruses. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2007;211:75-9

247.        Chutinimitkul S, Suwannakarn K, Chieochansin T, Mai le Q, Damrongwatanapokin S, Chaisingh A, Amonsin A, Landt O, Songserm T, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y.  H5N1 Oseltamivir-resistance detection by real-time PCR using two high sensitivity labeled TaqMan probes. J Virol Methods. 2007 ;139:44-9

248.        Chantanee Buranathai, Alongkorn Amonsin, Arunee Chaisigh, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Nuananong Pariyothorn, and Yong Poovorawan. Surveillance Activities and Molecular Analysis of Highly Pathogenic H5N1 from Thailand,  2004-2005. Avian Dis. 2007;51:194-200

249.        Chiengthong K, Somboonnithiphol K, Kittipinyovath P, Chongsrisawat V, Poovorawan Y, Panyakhamlerd K, Vejchapipat P.  Pregnancy in biliary atresia after kasai operation complicated by portalhypertension. J Med Assoc Thai. 2006;89:1961-4

250.        Noppornpanth S, Sablon E, De Nys K, Truong XL, Brouwer J, Van Brussel M, Smits SL, Poovorawan Y, Osterhaus AD, Haagmans BL. Genotyping hepatitis C viruses from Southeast Asia by a novel line probe assay that simultaneously detects core and 5' untranslated regions. J Clin Microbiol. 2006;44:3969-74

251.        Jariyapan N, Takaoka H, Choochote W, Poovorawan Y, Otsuka Y, Jitpakdi A, Junkum A.  Morphology and electrophoretic protein profiles of female salivary glands in four Oriental black fly species (Diptera: Simuliidae). J Vector Ecol. 2006 ;31:406-11.

252.         Payungporn S, Theodore SK, Chen L, Dubovi EJ, Kelling CL, Poovorawan Y. Crawford PC, Donis R. Detection of caninc influenza A virus (H3N8) RNA by real time RT-PCR. J Clin Micro 2006.(manuscript in preparation)

253.        Suwannakarn K, Chutinimitkul S, Payungporn S, Chieochansin T, Theamboonlers A, Amonsin A, Damrongwatanapokin S, Le QM, Nguyen HH, Poovorawan Y. Assay to Detect H5N1 Oseltamivir Resistance. EID. 2006;12:1995-1997.

254.        Chutinimitkul S, Payungporn S, Chieochansin T, Suwannakarn K, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. The spread of avian influenza H5N1 virus; a pandemic threat to mankind. J Med Assoc Thai. 2006;89:supplement 3:S218-33.

255.        Thaweesak Songserm , Alongkorn Amonsin, Rungroj Jam-on, Namdee Sae-Heng, Nuananong Pariyothorn, Sunchai Payungporn, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Salin Chutinimitkul , Roongroje Thanawongnuwech, Yong Poovorawan Fatal Avian Influenza A H5N1 in a Dog. EID 2006;12:1744-7

256.        Rujipat Samransamruajkit, Titikul Heranrat, Nuanchan Praphal Suchada Sritippayawan, Jitladda Deerojanawong, Yong Poovorawan. Levels of activated protein C in early phase of Pediatric septic shock associated with the risk of death. Shock 2007 Jun 21; [Epub ahead of print]

257.        Thrissawan Sungkapalee, Puntawee Puntukosit, Orapun Eunsuwan, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Voranush Chongsrisawat, Yong Poovorawan. incidence and clinical manifestrations of rotavirus infection among children with acute diarrhea at burirum hospital, thailand.  Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health. 2006;1125-1130.

258.        Salin Chutinimitkul, Thaweesak Songserm, Alongkorn Amonsin, Sunchai Payungporn, Kamol Suwannakarn,  Sudarat Damrongwatanapokin, Arunee Chaisingh,Bandit Nuansrichay,  Thaweesak  Chieochansin, Apiradee Theamboonlers,  and Yong Poovorawan . New strain of influenza a virus Thailand. EID. 2006;13:506-507

259.        Chatproedprai S, Boonsuk P, Wananukul S, Poovorawan Y, Thisyakorn U. Purpuric-like rash as cutaneous eruptions in Parvovirus B 19 infection in Thai infant : A Case Report. J Med Assoc Thai 2006;37:911-914

260.        Theamboonlers A, Bhattarakosol P, Chongsrisawat V, Sungkapalee T,  Wutthirattanakowit N, Poovorawan Y. Molecular characterization of group A human rotaviruses in Bangkok and Buriram, Thailand during 2004-2006 reveals the predominance of G1P[8], G9P[8] and a Rare G3P[19] strain Virus Gene 2006 (revised)

261.        Thong-Ngam D, Tangkijvanich P, Lerknimitr R, Mahachai V, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y. Diagnostic role of serum interleukin-18 in gastric cancer patients. World J Gastroenterol. 2006 Jul 28;12:4473-7.

262.        Hussain Z, Das BC, Husain SA, Polipalli SK, Ahmed T, Begum N, Medhi S, Verghese A, Raish M, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan Y, Kar P.  Virological course of hepatitis A virus as determined by real time RT-PCR: Correlation with biochemical, immunological and genotypic profiles. World J Gastroenterol. 2006;12:4683-8.

263.        Chongsrisawat V, chatchatee P, Poovorawan Y. Prophylaxis of viral hepatitis : A global perspective. In Hepatitis B annual. Eds. SP Singh, YK Chawla. KALINGA GASTROENTEROLOGY FOUNDATION. Graphic Art Offset Press Nuapatna, Cuttack  India.2004;pp25-59.

264.        Sittisak Honsawek, Tawatchai Chaiwatanarat, Voranush Chongsrisawat, Nutchanart Thawornsuk, Paisarn Vejchapipat, Yong Poovorawan, High Serum Levels of Osteoprotegerin and RANKL in Children with Biliary Atresia.  J Ped Endocrin Metabolism. 2007 (submitted)

265.        Alongkorn Amonsin, Thaweesak Songserm, Salin Chutinimitkul, Rungroj      Jam-on, Namdee Sae-Heng, Nuananong Pariyothorn, Sunchai Payungporn, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan. Genetic characterization of Influenza A virus (H5N1) derived from naturally infected domestic cat and dog. Arch Virol. 2007;152:1925-33

266.        Chintana Chirathaworna , Yada Kaewopasa, Yong Poovorawan. Comparison of Slide Agglutination Test, LeptoTek Dri-Dot, and IgM ELISA with Microscopic Agglutination Test for Leptospira Antibody Detection. Southeast Asian J Trop Med 2007;38:1111-1114-

267.        Nawin Horthongkham, Thannanun Srihtrakul, Sontana Siritantikorn, Wannee Kantakamalakul, Pratuang Sudsakorn, Yong Poovorawan, Ruengpung Sutthent. Specific antibody response of mice after immunization with cos7 cell derived avian influenza virus (H5N1) recombinant proteins. J Immune Based Ther Vaccines. 2007 Oct 3;5(1):10 [Epub ahead of print]

268.        Kanokkarn Barameechai, Pattaratida sa-nguanmoo, Kamol Suwannakarn, Chittima Thongmee, Sunchai Payungporn,  Voranuch Chongsrisawat, Apiradee Theamboonlers,  Yong Poovorawan. Molecular characterization of hepatitis A virus during the 2001-2005 outbreaks in Thailand. Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 2007 (accepted)

269.        Chatchatee P, Chatproedprai S, Warinsathien P, Tharmaphornpilas P, Warintrawat S, Theamboonlers A, Chongsrisawat V,  Poovorawan Y. Seroprevalence of tetanus antibody in the Thai population : A national survey. Asian Pac J Allerg Immunol. 2007 (submitted)

270.        Nattiya Hirankarn, Chantanee Manonom, Pisit Tangkijvanich, Yong Poovorawan. Association of interleukin 18 gene polymorphism (-607A/A genotype) with susceptibility to chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Tissue Antigens. 2007 Aug;70(2):160-3.

271.        Pittaya Kummee, Pisit Tangkijvanich, Yong Poovorawan, Nattiya Hirankarn. Association of HLA-DRB1*13 and TNF-alpha Gene Polymorphisms Clearance of Chronic Hepatitis B Infection and Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Thai Population. J Viral Hepat. 2007;14:841-8.

272.        Pattaratida Sa-nguanmoo, Pisit Tangkijvanich,  Sunchai Payungporn,  Thaweesak  Chieochansin,  Nutchanart Thawornsuk,  Voranush Chongsrisawat, Yong Poovorawan. Dynamics of HBV DNA Levels, HBV Mutations and Biochemical Parameters During Antiviral Therapy in a Patient with HBeAg-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B. Asian Pacfic J Allergy Immunol. 200725:183-8

273.        Sittisak Honsawek, Voranush Chongsrisawat, Paisarn Vejchapipat, Nutchanart Thawornsuk, Yong Poovorawan. High Serum Levels of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor in Post Operative Biliary Atresia Associates with Clinical Outcome. Hepatogastroenterol. 2007 (accepted)

274.        Woradee Lurchachaiwong, Sunchai Payungporn, Utumporn Srisatidnarakul, Chatthapon Mungkundar, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan. Rapid detection and strain identification of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) by real-time RT-PCR. Applied Microbiology 2007 (inpress)

275.        Sathupan P, Khongphattanayothin A, Srisai J, Srikaew K, Poovorawan Y. The Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Leading to Vascular Leakage in Children With Dengue Virus Infection. Ann Trop Paediatr. 2007;27:179-84.

276.        Thaweesak Chieochansin, Salin Chutinimitkul, Sunchai Payungporn, Thitikul Hiranras, Rujipat Samransamruajkit, Apiradee Theamboolers, Yong Poovorawan. Complete coding sequences and phylogenetic analysis of Human bocavirus (HBoV) Virus Res. 2007 Oct;129(1):54-7. Epub 2007 May 29.

277.        Kamol Suwannakarn,  Pisit Tangkijvanich, Nutchanart  Thawornsuk, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Piyanit Tharmaphornpilas, Pornsak Yoocharoen,Voranush Chongsrisawat, Yong Poovorawan.Molecular Epidemiological Study of Hepatitis B Virus in Thailand based on the Analysis of Pre-S and S genes. Hepatol Res. 2007 Aug 16; [Epub ahead of print]

278.        Siritantikorn S,  Kaewrawang S, Siritanaratkul N, Poovorawan Y, Kantakamalakul W, Wasi C. The  Prevalence And Persistence Of Human Parvovirus B19 Infection  In  Thalassemic  Patients. Asian Pacific J Aller Immunol 2007;25:169-74.

279.        Chongsrisawat V, Vejchapipat P, Poovorawan Y. Serum vascular endothelial growth factor per platelet count in patients with biliary atresia. European Journal of Pediatrics 2007 (submitted)

280.        Srunthron Sunanchaikarn, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Voranuch Chongsrisawat, Pornsak Yoocharoen, Piyanit Tharmaphornpilas, Porpit Warinsathien, Supakarn Sinlaparatsamee, Siriraj Paupunwatana, Kasemporn Chaiear, Sawan Khwanjaipanich  Yong Poovorawan. Seroepidmiology and Genotypes of Hepatitis C virus in Thailand. Asian Pacfic J Allerg Immunol 2007;25:175-82

281.        Supawadee Chiarakul, Krissana Eunumjitkul, Sunanta Vuttiopas, Ar-Reerut  Vorapimol, Jaranit Kaewkungwal, Yong Poovorawan. Seroprevalence and risk factors of Hepatitis B virus infection among health care workers at the Institute of Neurology. J Med Assoc Thai. 2007;90:1536-1545

282.        Thaweesak Chieochansin, Rujipat Samransamruajkit, Salin Chutinimitkul, Sunchai Payungporn, Thitikul Hiranras, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan. Human Bocavirus (HBoV) in Thailand; clinical manifestations in a hospitalized pediatric patient and molecular virus characterization. J Infection. 2007 (revised)

283.        Salin Chutinimitkul, Thaweesak Chieochansin, Sunchai Payungporn, Rujipat Samransamruajkit, Thitikul Hiranras, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of H1N1 and H3N2 human influenza A viruses among infants and children in Thailand. Virus research 2007. (inpress)

284.        Woradee Lurcharchaiwong, Thaweesak Chieochansin, Sunchai Payungporn, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan* Parvovirus 4 (PARV4) in serum of intravenous drug users. Infection 2007 (submitted)

285.        Poovorawan Y. Molecular epidemiology of Avian Influenza H5N1 in Thailand. ScienceAsia 2007;33:87-90

286.        Sittisak Honsawek, Tawatchai Chaiwatanarat, Voranush Chongsrisawat, Nutchanart Thawornsuk, Paisarn Vejchapipat Yong Poovorawan3 Circulating leptin levels and bone mineral density in children with biliary atresia . Acta Pediatrics  2007 (inpress)

287.         Nuchprayoon S, Junpee A, Poovorawan Y. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) for differentiation between Thai and Myanmar strains of Wuchereria bancrofti. Filaria J. 2007 Jul 30;6(1):6

288.        Poovorawan Y1, V. Chongsrisawat1, A Theamboonlers1, Srinivasa K2,  Hutagalung Y2, Bock HL2, Hoet B2 Transient or asymptomatic hepatitis B virus infection during  17 years follow up of hepatitis B vaccination in high risk neonates. 2007 (MS inpreparation)

289.        Noppornpanth S, Smits SL, Lien TX, Poovorawan Y. Osterhaus ADME, Haagmans BL. Characterization of Hepatitis C Virus Deletion mutants Circulating in Chronically Infected Patients. J Virol  2007 Aug 29; [Epub ahead of print]

290.        Noppornpanth S, Poovorawan Y, Lie TX, Smits S, Osterhaus ADME, Haagmans BL. Complete genome characterization of underfined Hepatitis C virus genotype 6 and new members of subtype 6a, 6e, 6f, 6i, 6n and 6o isolated from Vietnam and Thailand. J Gen Virol 2007 (submitted)

291.        Yong Poovorawan, Yanee Hutagalung, Voranush Chongsrisawat, Apiradee Thaemboonlers, Inge Lefevre. Long-term antibody persistence in children primed and boosted with a DTPw-HBV vaccine at 2, 4, 6, 18, months of age. Vaccine 2007 (revised)

292.        Tanwandee T, Piratvisuth T, Phornphutkul K, Mairiang P, Permpikul P, Poovorawan Y. Risk factors of hepatitis C virus infection in blood donors in Thailand: a multicenter case-control study. J Med Assoc Thai. 2006 Nov;89 Suppl 5:S79-83.

293.        Pattaratida Sa-nguanmoo, Chittima Thongmee, Parntep Ratanakorn, Rattapan Pattanarangsan, Roschong Boonyarittichaikij, Somchai Chodapisitkul, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan. Prevalence, whole genome characterization and phylogenetic analysis of hepatitis B virus in captive orangutan and gibbon . J Med Primatol  2007 (revised)

294.        Paisarn Vejchapipat, Paiboon Sookpotarom, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Soottiporn Chittmittrapap, Yong Poovorawan. Elevated serum soluble E-selectin is associated with poor outcome and correlated with serum ALT in biliary atresia Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2007. (submitted)

295.        Papit Nattee, Sittisak Honsawek,  Paisarn Vejchapipat, Apiradee Thamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan. Elevated Serum Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Levels in Post Operative Biliary Atresia. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology. 2007

296.        Chintana Chirathaworn, Kanittha Patarakul, Vuttisak Saksit  Yong Poovorawan.  Binding of Leptospira to Extracellular Matrix Proteins. J Med Assoc Thai 2007; 90: 2136-2142

297.        Chatproedpria S, Suwannakarn K, Wananukul S, Theamboonlers A, Poovorawan. Efficacy of pulsed dyed laser (585 NM) in the treatment of molluscum contagiosum subtype 1. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Pub Health. 2007; 38:849-854.

298.        Thaweesak Chieochansin, Sunchai Payungporn, Linda Vimolket, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan.Comparative Study of Human Bocavirus Infection in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis and Healthy Controls. Infection 2007

299.        Kamol Suwannakarn, Sunchai Payungporn, Thaweesak Chieochansin, Rujipat Samransamruajkit, Alongkorn Amonsin, Thaweesak Songserm, Arunee Chaisingh, Pornchai Chamnanpood,  Salin Chutinimitkul, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan. Typing (A/B) and subtyping (H1/H3/H5) of influenza A viruses by multiplex real-time RT-PCR assays. J Virol Medthods. 2007

300.        Salin Chutinimitkul, Nattakarn Thippamom, Sudarat Damrongwatanapokin, Sunchai Payungporn, Roongroje Thanawongnuwech, Alongkorn Amonsin, Pitirat Boonsuk, Donruethai Sreta, Napawan Bunpong, Rachod Tantilertcharoen,Pornchai Chamnanpood, Sujira Parchariyanon, Apiradee Theamboonlers, Yong Poovorawan . Genetic characterization of H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2 swine influenza virus in Thailand. Arch Virol 2007

301.        Vejchapipat P, Passakonnirin R, Sookpotarom P, Chittmittrapap S, Poovorawan Y. High-dose steroids do not improve early outcome in biliary atresia. J Pediatr Surg. 2007;42:2102-5.